Tuesday, December 11, 2007

From bedside to curbside...

Recently someone asked me why I left critical care and how I ended up in Quality Management. I had a good answer at the time, however, I found myself asking the same questions. It has been a Darwinian evolution of sorts.

After a period of self examination I decided it came down to our old camp song "My Name is Joe" and to my friend Cheryl's tireless rant and hence the birth of my nickname Jo. Never say no and my need to always try to find a better way of doing the same thing.

I dedicate the rant back to Cheryl and celebrate the road less travelled.


Hi, my name is Joe And I work in a button factory I have a wife and a fam-i-ly.
One day my boss ... he said Joe "Are you busy?"
I said NO.

Can you press this button with your RIGHT HAND. (You start repeatedly pressing a button with your right hand and saying doot, doot, doot. Keep the movement with your body parts while you sing the next verse)

Hi, my name is Joe And I work in a button factory I have a wife and a fam-i-ly. One day my boss ... he said Joe "Are you busy?" I said NO.

Can you press this button with your LEFT HAND. (Continue previous movements, but start repeatedly pressing a button with your left hand and saying doot, doot, doot. Keep the movement with your body parts while you sing the next verse) ......

Continue until: right leg, left leg, nod your head, butt, stick out your tongue, turn around

Hi, my name is Joe And I work in a button factory I have a wife and a fam-i-ly. One day my boss ... he said Joe "Are you busy?" I said YES.


Anonymous said...

think I'm gonna cry!
the best Jo I know!
Love you for longer than forever!

Anonymous said...

I hate to be persnickety, but as I remember it, the song went,

"Hello, my name is Joe.
I work in a button factory.
I've a wife [optional clap twice],
three kids [optional clap twice];
one day, my boss came up to me...."

Anonymous said...

Oh - and nice coat!

Anonymous said...

My name is Joe and I am Canadian !