"God gives strength to the weary, and to him who lacks might, He increases power. Though youths grow weary and tired, and vigorous young men stumble badly, yet those who wait for the Lord will gain new strength; they will mount up with wings like eagles, they will run and not get tired, they will walk and not become weary." Isaiah 40:29-31
Kiefer, Rockford and Sutherland have been best friends since kindergarten. They went through grade school and high school together. They stayed in town for university. Kiefer and Rockford majored in business at WLU and Sutherland majored in Math at U of W. After WLU, Rockford went on for his MBA and accounting designation. They've been together for over 40 years to be exact. I met Kiefer, Rockford and Sutherland almost 20 years ago and I married Rockford 17 years ago. Post-grad adulthood landed Sutherland in the GTA, Rockford in the Golden Triangle and Kiefer in the Niagara Region until he moved out west in 2006. They’re all great guys. They are all the same yet uniquely different.
Kiefer, Rockford and Sutherland have been best friends since kindergarten. They went through grade school and high school together. They stayed in town for university. Kiefer and Rockford majored in business at WLU and Sutherland majored in Math at U of W. After WLU, Rockford went on for his MBA and accounting designation. They've been together for over 40 years to be exact. I met Kiefer, Rockford and Sutherland almost 20 years ago and I married Rockford 17 years ago. Post-grad adulthood landed Sutherland in the GTA, Rockford in the Golden Triangle and Kiefer in the Niagara Region until he moved out west in 2006. They’re all great guys. They are all the same yet uniquely different.
Something magical and contagious happens when the three are together. Kiefer and Sutherland spin the best yarns ever. They become so animated in their storytelling that watching them is pure entertainment. I’m not sure which one speaks the fastest; it’s a close tie as they’re both breathless after each sentence they spew. I’m exhausted when they come up for air.
Together they’ve braved wilderness excursions, white water rafting, mountain climbing and portages, but it’s the stock market and golf that obsess them. They have golfed together since grade 9. Golf is their only competition. It’s a serious competition, not the fun friendly type. Their camaraderie returns at the 19th hole. Kiefer and Rockford will tell you that Sutherland is the most competitive of the three and has injured himself playing golf Wii games just to beat them in the next round.
In December of 2006 Kiefer was diagnosed with a “primary brain tumour” (glioblastoma). Those words strike fear in the heart of anyone threatened by one. That fear extends to all who love them. As a health care professional I know that true tumour margins do not exist. Total removal by local therapy (surgery, radiation) is not possible. Treatment of brain tumours is extremely difficult because of polyclonicity, the Blood:Brain barrier, the diffuse infiltrative nature of these tumours, and the perilous location of some tumours. My role this time was not to be the “nurse” but to help Kiefer, Rockford and Sutherland hope for the best, while preparing them for the worst. On Christmas day 2006 Kiefer underwent neuro surgery, followed by chemotherapy and radiation. Christmas 2007 brought a reoccurrence and more surgery. Kiefer is tough.
This past spring they decided to realize their childhood dream and together they golfed at Glen Abby. Kiefer came home to Ontario again in August and again the three stooges golfed all they could while they were together.
Last week Kiefer went for his biannual MRI. Friday the news came. The glioblastoma is back and has invaded further. They don’t have anything more to offer Kiefer. It’s time to put his house in order. I’m amazed by Rockford and Sutherland as they struggle through this. They support each other while they try to hold Kiefer up.
Kief is coming home to Ontario next week and the three of them have their golf courses mapped out. While they hit the greens they’ll be mountain climbing again, climbing the biggest and scariest mountain of their lives. Without a doubt I know that Rockford and Sutherland will help Kiefer reach the summit. After all they are the Ya-Ya Brotherhood.
Hold tight Kief, God’s not finished with you yet!
Kiefer you know that I have never appreciated your love of Burton Cummings, but this one’s for you.
Love Ya!
P.S. The picture of Kiefer was taken last week before the news. It’s hauntingly beautiful.
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