"--- you don't reach Serendib by plotting a course for it. You have to set out in good faith for elsewhere and lose your bearings ... serendipitously." The Last Voyage of Somebody the Sailor (John Barth)
Throughout my journey, I’ve met more people than I care to shake a stick at. I’ve had patients, associates, colleagues, family, companions, and, acquaintances. Some have been the bain of my existence, cankers in my mouth, and hemmeroids you know where. Some have provided companionship, humour and fun while others have been the spawn of Satan himself. I can count on my fingers and toes the people in my life who are genuine, ethical, true and kind and, worthy of being called “friend”.
Serendipity is an unsought, unintended, or unexpected discovery, made by accident. So the story goes like this. Ms. Serendipity and I work for the same organization. We worked together on a proposal several years ago. We had different styles and objectives but we got through that time unharmed and intact. Ironically, in recent years I became part of the same department as Ms. Serendipity and unexpectedly, unintentionally, and accidently I found a friend. An unexpected miracle.
If you are familiar with serendipity in science and medicine you’ll know that was how Fleming discovered Penicillin; Richet used toxins to combat anaphylaxis; Jenner found the vaccine for small pox; and, Roentgen discovered X-rays. If you dig deeper you’ll learn about the accidental and unintentional discovery of Silly Putty (I still love Silly Putty); the “Pill”; Teflon; Scotchgard; Rayon; and, Cellophane. By accident these discoveries have revolutionized our modern world. Imagine your world without serendipity.
I tend to view the world through a microscopic lens and find spores and mutagens, whereas my friend “Ms. Serendipity” views the world through a kaleidoscope. Through her lens she helps me to see a world reflected through light, mirrors and prisms which in turn display beautiful symmetrical patterns. She is genuine, ethical, true and, kind. I can’t imagine my world without her. Just think I actually came upon her by accident...
Thanks “Ms. Serendipity” and a very Happy Birthday to You!
1 comment:
You are far too kind!!
Ms "S".
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