Wilbur blushed. "But I'm not terrific, Charlotte. I'm just about average for a pig." "You're terrific as far as I'm concerned," replied Charlotte, sweetly, "and that's what counts. You're my best friend, and I think you're sensational. Now stop arguing and go get some sleep!"
When I was in grade 2 my teacher Miss Kelly read us E.B. White’s Charlotte’s Web. I remember it was a nice story about a cute pig. I didn’t give it much thought after that. When my daughter was around five my mother gave her a video of a cartoon version of Charlotte’s Web. Hilary was enchanted while she watched it and cried at the end of the movie. It was one of those videos that Hilary watched over and over again and the tears flowed each time. Recently Hilary brought home the 2006 movie version; we watched it together one evening. “I finally got it”. Guess who was crying this time?
The theme of Charlotte's Web is the power of loyalty and loving friendship. The novel is a story about a pig named Wilbur who is saved by a spider named Charlotte. They live in the same barn and first become acquainted when Charlotte overhears Wilbur lamenting his loneliness and offers to be his friend. Wilbur thinks she is beautiful and, as he gets to know her, finds her fascinating. A loyal and talented friend, she is as good as her word.

If you recall the story, Wilbur hears that his owner, Mr. Zuckerman, plans to butcher him at Christmas time, Charlotte calms his fears by promising to save him. She makes Mr. Zuckerman believe that Wilbur is an exceptional pig by writing words into the webs she weaves in the corner of the doorway to Wilbur's home in the cellar of the barn. The Zuckerman family and all the neighbours are amazed when they read Charlotte's legend SOME PIG, and take it for a miracle or a mysterious sign. And the wonder grows, along with Wilbur's reputation when Charlotte extends her campaign with other legends: TERRIFIC and RADIANT.

My mom is my Charlotte. I can’t tell you how many times she has supported us and shouted “SOME PIG, TERRIFIC or RADIANT” at us. Okay so she never used the word “pig” as it’s not in her vocabulary but the sentiment and loyalty mirrored Charlotte’s passion for Wilbur. We believed in ourselves because she believed in us.
Towards the end of the novel Wilbur wins a prize at the County Fair. Charlotte weaves one more word, this time above Wilbur's exhibition pen, where everyone could see it. She chooses the word HUMBLE for her ultimate praise, a word she thinks appropriate because its dictionary definitions, not proud and near the ground, fit Wilbur. I reserve that legend for my mom as she is the most HUMBLE person I know and like Charlotte she is beautiful, fascinating, loyal and as good as her word.
Wilbur blushed. "But I'm not terrific, Charlotte. I'm just about average for a pig." "You're terrific as far as I'm concerned," replied Charlotte, sweetly, "and that's what counts. You're my best friend, and I think you're sensational. Now stop arguing and go get some sleep!"
When I was in grade 2 my teacher Miss Kelly read us E.B. White’s Charlotte’s Web. I remember it was a nice story about a cute pig. I didn’t give it much thought after that. When my daughter was around five my mother gave her a video of a cartoon version of Charlotte’s Web. Hilary was enchanted while she watched it and cried at the end of the movie. It was one of those videos that Hilary watched over and over again and the tears flowed each time. Recently Hilary brought home the 2006 movie version; we watched it together one evening. “I finally got it”. Guess who was crying this time?
The theme of Charlotte's Web is the power of loyalty and loving friendship. The novel is a story about a pig named Wilbur who is saved by a spider named Charlotte. They live in the same barn and first become acquainted when Charlotte overhears Wilbur lamenting his loneliness and offers to be his friend. Wilbur thinks she is beautiful and, as he gets to know her, finds her fascinating. A loyal and talented friend, she is as good as her word.

If you recall the story, Wilbur hears that his owner, Mr. Zuckerman, plans to butcher him at Christmas time, Charlotte calms his fears by promising to save him. She makes Mr. Zuckerman believe that Wilbur is an exceptional pig by writing words into the webs she weaves in the corner of the doorway to Wilbur's home in the cellar of the barn. The Zuckerman family and all the neighbours are amazed when they read Charlotte's legend SOME PIG, and take it for a miracle or a mysterious sign. And the wonder grows, along with Wilbur's reputation when Charlotte extends her campaign with other legends: TERRIFIC and RADIANT.

My mom is my Charlotte. I can’t tell you how many times she has supported us and shouted “SOME PIG, TERRIFIC or RADIANT” at us. Okay so she never used the word “pig” as it’s not in her vocabulary but the sentiment and loyalty mirrored Charlotte’s passion for Wilbur. We believed in ourselves because she believed in us.
Towards the end of the novel Wilbur wins a prize at the County Fair. Charlotte weaves one more word, this time above Wilbur's exhibition pen, where everyone could see it. She chooses the word HUMBLE for her ultimate praise, a word she thinks appropriate because its dictionary definitions, not proud and near the ground, fit Wilbur. I reserve that legend for my mom as she is the most HUMBLE person I know and like Charlotte she is beautiful, fascinating, loyal and as good as her word.
Like Charlotte, my mother is the central character in my life story. My mom reared us by following her instincts, by using her intelligence, and by being true to her individual self without being false to her general nature. My mom and Charlotte remind me that heroes are people in a class by themselves because they use their unusual gifts to protect others. They give us wings to fly and teach us to weave our webs.
For the record my mom is “SOME TERRIFIC, RADIANT, HUMBLE LADY, so she is”.
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